students and the teacher

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Pastoral Care

14th May 2020

…home and school, are crucial. Communication This is the key to our superb pastoral care structure and the vital link in school is a class teacher/form tutor. They spend time…


27th May 2020

Dulwich Prep London is an exciting place to work. With around 810 pupils, it is the largest boys’ preparatory school in the UK and is situated in one of the…

Embracing Change in Sport

11th November 2020

…thrived, both physically and mentally. House sport has replaced the traditional inter school fixtures, choice has replaced selection and boys have understood the importance of multi-sport, particularly at the foundation…


10th October 2023

…emergency. Secondly, your son may want to develop independence skills, or if you are considering boarding as a potential senior school option, a taster of what a boarding school setting…

Reception Classes visit Greenwich

6th February 2020

…Greenwich. They had the chance to explore three galleries looking at light in the universe and how the planets were formed. A highlight was definitely the immersive 360-degree cinema, where…

Snowboarding Trip

13th April 2016

…Le Mickey. However, for a number of boys (and adults!) the highlight was a ride in a “piste basher” doing 360 degree spins and weaving through the trees! Comments were…

Year 7 Parliament Visit

15th February 2017

…where we had a 360 degree digital tour of the Commons and the Lords and then had a fascinating hour learning about the ‘making of laws’ in a purpose built…

Townsend History Prize

13th March 2020

DPL has, for the 2nd time, entered pupils in Years 7 and 8 for the Townsend Warner History Prize for prep schools, a historical tradition in its own right now…

Ethos, Aims & Values

14th May 2020

…mind, heart and spirit of each boy and create the right culture and the right conditions to allow these possibilities to flourish and become real. Our school’s priority is the…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son currently in Year 6 and would like to be part of something really special? If so, join us in Year 7 and stay to GCSE. With no more than 60 pupils in Year 9 to 11, we offer a more bespoke educational journey.

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