student in the lab

Maths Day in the Early Years

Posted: 8th March 2016

This year Maths Day took the Early Years children exploring maths inside four different picture books, ‘Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs’, Jack and the Beanstalk’, ‘The hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘How big is a million’. 

The activities varied from measuring a giant, counting his enormous gold coins, ordering dinosaurs to discovering which food the hungry caterpillar most enjoyed eating and estimating how many of Harry’s dinosaurs would fit in different sized buckets. 

We were extra lucky as a class of Year 8 boys came to help run the activities with the children.

The fun did not stop there as the whole of Year One came to Early Years to play maths games with our Reception boys. But it did not matter which class you entered, maths was happening everywhere.  In Nursery you would have found children making numbers from multilink, playing tenpin bowling and counting out all the different fruits eaten by the hungry caterpillar and many more activities.  In Reception, the boys were ordering numbers as far as they could go, making addition paper chains and painting lots of numbers among other challenges. Everyone went home tired and happy after such a lovely busy day.

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