At the end of last term Lower School had its first annual BANG Goes the Lower School which was filled with fun, excitement, BANGS and most importantly a huge amount of learning! The boys bounded into the Lower School dressed as their favourite scientist. There was a palpable buzz in the classrooms as the boys in Year 3 set up their experiments that they would be teaching throughout the day and the Year 4 teachers set up the class experiments.
Their day really kicked off with an engaging and interactive assembly led by Mr McCafferty and Miss Jones where boys predicted then carried out some large scale experiments. These included balloon surfing, throwing eggs and making fireproof balloons!
The grand finale was led by Miss Bellos in the drama studio where the boys were transfixed by some explosions and static electric experiments as well as lighting hydrogen balloons on fire (from a safe distance) to make sure that the day ended with an almighty BANG!