student in the lab

Pre-Prep Sports Day

Posted: 23rd June 2016

children on a bounce ball across the court

Take 147 very excited boys – add the threat of rain and a very hot Sports Hall.  Mix in some space hoppers, tunnels, quoits, buckets and beanbags.  Sprinkle with team spirit and top with an ice lolly! This is the recipe for Pre-Prep Sports Day!  

The boys arrived full of enthusiasm and excitement.  Divided up into their tribe teams with the aim of collecting points, they competed in races such as the bucket and beanbag, hoop, ball/beanbag on racket and of course the challenging obstacle race starting on a space hopper and finishing in a sack! 

During the course of Sports Day, the boys could be heard cheering themselves hoarse for their tribe and their class mates and the team spirit and sportsmanship were exceptional!  Sports Day ended with the relay races, an event very popular with the boys. 

Once all the points were added up, Ojibwas were the winners, by just one point! They were also the winners in 1945 when the cup was first awarded. The pride on the boys’ faces was wonderful to see.  

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