Last Thursday, 25 boys from the Dulwich Prep Eco Warriors Club from Years 1 to 5 went to visit the RSPCA’s Mallydams Wood Education Centre in Hastings. This was our school’s main prize for winning the ‘Most Outstanding Group Award’ at Dr Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Annual Awards in March.
The boys spent the day learning about animal welfare and rehabilitation from an expert – pet needs, the types of pets and injured wildlife that get brought into the animal hospital, how a de-oiling station for sea animals works and why it is needed, and how our litter impacts on oceans and marine life. Mr Stoker, who runs the Years 5-6 club, Miss Johnson who will take over the running of the Years 3-4 club next term and Mrs Wilson who runs the Years 1-2 club accompanied the boys with Mrs Whitehead.
The weather was perfect for spending time outside in the woods! We followed a marine trail, spent time in a Bug City and made litter pledges. It was wonderful to see the boys bonding with each other over the day and sharing their ideas. The Year 5 boys watched over the Year 1s as they raced through the woods looking for clues and everyone happily partnered up in the Discovery Centre where they worked together to spot the potential environmental hazards for local wildlife. We all learnt something new! It has also heightened the boys’ awareness of litter in our local community and the need for us all to be active global citizens – spreading the word, recycling where possible and doing our part to keep our environment tidy. A new school project would appear to be in the air!
Click here to see more photos from the trip.