This past week, two 74 foot Challenger yachts set sail from Portsmouth Harbour for an exhilarating trip along the Solent. The boys had exceptional weather during their week away, only needing to wear their salopettes for Thursday’s adventure, culminating with their night sail back into Portsmouth!
The yachts travelled along the Isle of Wight for the majority of the trip, teaching those foreign teachers among us about Old Harry and the rock formation seen along the needles, whilst the other Challenger yacht practised their knot tying skills on each other for their first yachting qualification.
The highlight of the trip was witnessing some boys attempting to climb the 92 foot mast in brilliant sunshine, rather than being ‘sweated up’. For those non-sailors ‘sweated up’ means using the lines to hoist the sails – but rather than having the sails attached to the halyards there were boys!
A brilliant time was had by all.
Click here to see more photos from the Year 8 trips.