The Prep joined in the Dulwich Park Run on Saturday. What an amazing morning of willing participation, where all boys excelled in some capacity in a wonderful community event. Building a passion for health related fitness, where running is challenging but fun, should really be a corner stone of any good sporting programme, however fast or slow you run. Over the coming months and years we will endeavour to achieve this at the Prep.
Dulwich Park Run normally has about 200 runners. There were 638 runners on Saturday and this is down to the support from staff, parents, governors and our wonderful boys. The support at the finish line was simply amazing, particularly for our youngest competitors in Lower School and it helped to create a special atmosphere in the park. The Prep was at its very best on Saturday morning and, looking ahead, we hope we can build on that success, aiming to attend one Park Run per term. In the process, we managed to raise well over £500 ‘For Jimmy’. A great community experience all round!