student in the lab

Matt Dickinson visit

Posted: 26th September 2019


This Wednesday, the Lower School boys were enthralled when they met author Matt Dickinson. He told them how his own life and the adventures he has had inspire him when he is thinking of a new story idea. He not only officially opened the Lower School library for us, he also launched his new book, Popcorn-Eating squirrels Go Nuts on Everest.

We were also lucky enough to have Dulwich Wood School come and share our wonderful author visit with us. Throughout the day everyone enjoyed a class session with Matt, where he spoke about how to start writing a gripping story, as well as thinking about what features turn a good story into a masterpiece!

Break time was also a big hit with boys, as they were treated to a cup of popcorn for their snack, just like the squirrels in Matt’s books!

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