student in the lab

Bedtime Stories

Posted: 5th November 2019

Just imagine; soft lighting, lullaby music, snuggly pyjamas and cuddly toys, that sums up the gentle atmosphere of our bedtime story day which took place on Friday 18th October.  The children arrived at school wearing their best pair of pyjamas and clutching their favourite bedtime story book. Then, instead of shaking hands and saying the usual ‘good morning’ to Mrs Burtonshaw, the boys and girls said ‘goodnight’ and then followed the fairy lights down the corridors to their classrooms.

During the day all the Early Years classes came together in our hall to share a very special assembly.  Mr Aitchison, from the English Department, read the wonderful book ‘Five Minutes Peace’ by Jill Murphy bringing the story of a father bear who could not sleep to life using props, actions and his brilliant mellifluous voice.

We are pretty sure that the children all slept really well after such a fun day.

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