On Friday, all the boys from Years 5 to 8 had a presentation on Fire Safety from Paul Cameron, a hugely experienced Watch Manager in the London Fire Brigade. The key areas he covered for us were: the main causes of fire in the home, and what to do in the event of a fire. We saw photographs of the damage done by blazes and had to guess what had been the cause of the fire; overloaded sockets, forgetting about cooking food and candles were common culprits! We also watched a clip of a model living room and were suitably shocked to see how the fire had taken grip after just 2 minutes. After some advice on what to do in case of a fire, Paul finished by describing what occurs in the event of a hoax 999 call and the consequences of wasting the fire services time in this way. We would like to reiterate our thanks again to Paul for making time in his busy schedule to come in and discuss this hugely important topic with us. Do ask you sons about the guidance they have been given on fire safety – we could all do with a reminder!