student in the lab

Swimming finals

Posted: 20th November 2019


Four boys congregated outside the London Aquatics Centre for the English Schools Swimming Finals.  After a good warm up, the boys stood together to support Mr Bedford as he spoke to the 1000+ crowd for his presidential address.  Spurred on by their pride in their swim coach, the boys swam incredibly well in the medley relay and came 12th nationally!  As a keen swimmer herself, Miss Davidson supported the boys from poolside and after a bit of refuelling at Pret A Manger the boys put in a herculean effort in the 4x50m freestyle.  Despite qualifying for the national event in 15th place, they shaved over 3 seconds off their time and made the final.  The boys finished the day safe in the knowledge that they were the 10th fasted team in the country, an incredible achievement by all and a truly special way to seal a momentous day for Mr Bedford.  

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