student in the lab

Year 2 Camping Evening

Posted: 6th July 2018

Camping Evening fell on a scorching hot day! Car thermometers recorded 45 degrees and the boys had to constantly rehydrate and sit in the shade of the giant oaks at the Early Years’ fields. The sounds of the energetic Mrs Chambers, yodelling and  ‘Queen’ style clapping, reverberated around the field and had the boys and parents rocking! Tarpaulins strapped to trees and cardboard box turrets adorned the woods, creating fabulous dens. The evening ended with a marvellous hawking display and an eagle swooping to pounce on its prey (a stuffed rabbit) which was attached to a Year 2 boy’s foot! You will be pleased to hear that he survived and couldn’t wait to tell his mum all about it.

Click here for more photos. 

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