student in the lab

Friends Quiz Night raises over £2000

Posted: 15th March 2017

Thank you to everyone who attended the annual Friends Quiz Night last Friday. It was a hugely enjoyable night, with twenty teams battling to be Quiz Champions, and in the process raising over £1700 for the Friends and a further £500 for Comic Relief. As always, a big thank you to Matt Flacks, our amazing Quizmaster, and to Shain Jarvis and Jane Lowe for organising this year’s quiz. 

An especially big thank you to Shain Jarvis who has organised this very popular event for the past 4 years but is now looking to hand over to someone else. If you are interested in giving it a go please get in touch with Sarah Baylis (shobkinson@hotmail.com) or Fleur Dittmer (fleur.dittmer@hotmail.co.uk). 

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