student in the lab

Success in UK Bebras Computer Challenge

Posted: 5th December 2017

36 boys in Year 5 and 38 boys in Year 6 took part in the UK Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge this year. In total, they were competing against 48,904 other pupils.

The Challenge is an online test open to all schools in 40 different countries. It introduces pupils to computational and logical thinking. The Bebras challenges are made of a set of short problems or tasks and are delivered online. The tasks the boys undertake are usually fun, engaging and focus on problems that Computer Scientists often meet and enjoy solving. No prior knowledge is required to do the challenge, but an interest in computer science or mathematics helps. 

Dulwich Prep scored very well compared with both London wide and countrywide scores. 

Year Dulwich Prep Average London Average Countrywide Average 5 88.7 66.6 67.6 6 81.0 73.8 66.8

These boys did very well and achieved distinction certificates.

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