student in the lab

Prep pupils excel in South London Literary Quiz

Posted: 17th May 2016

Three teams of boys from Years 6 to 8 joined 18 other teams from South East London schools in the fourth annual CWIZZ, held last Thursday afternoon here at the Prep.  Organised by children’s authors from CWISL (Children’s Writers and Illustrators South London), this literary quiz is designed to bring together young Londoners in a celebration of books and reading. Between rounds there were chances to win raffle prizes, meet authors, hear “one minute reads” from their books and compete for individual spot prizes. 

Not only was the afternoon enormous fun for all the participants, but the Dulwich Prep contingent covered itself with glory – following a top score from Emanuel School of 46 points, and a second place score of 45, our teams placed 3rd, 4th and 5th with scores of 44, 43 ½ and 43!  Many congratulations to our star readers – Tom (8H), Luke (8P), Nikhil (7D), Jamie (7H), Miro (7L), Nicolas (7W), Ayan (7D), Gregor (7W), Redmond (7W), Ivaan (6W), Gwyn (6W) and Rohan (6H).

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