student in the lab

Year 1 celebrate Tribe Centenary

Posted: 29th November 2016

The Year 1 boys thoroughly enjoyed working in their Tribes to commemorate the Tribe Centenary with some ‘Tribe’ inspired Art. 

The Chippeways worked together to make a ceiling high Totem Pole out of recycled materials. 

The Objiwas created an Andy Warhol inspired piece, using the faces of every boy in Year 1 to create their large scale painting collaboration. 

The Mohicans created a large metal feather sculpture and attached individual symbolic tribe coloured feathers to fill the structure and the Deerfeet worked together to create a flag using key colours and symbols. 

The boys’ wonderful work will be displayed around the site to mark and celebrate the centenary in style. See if you can spot the pieces around the school. We hope that you enjoy seeing the boys’ work!

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