students and the teacher

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4th July 2018

…as, in accordance with our licence to host, every event has to be professionally recorded to enable an upload of the content to the TED.com. The aim of the TED…

Friends Quiz Night raises over £2000

15th March 2017

…process raising over £1700 for the Friends and a further £500 for Comic Relief. As always, a big thank you to Matt Flacks, our amazing Quizmaster, and to Shain Jarvis…


14th May 2020

…Prep London provides the highest standards of education in stunning facilities, with strong links to the very best senior schools in the country. Miss Louise Davidson, Head Master https://player.vimeo.com/video/353542301  …

Protected: Pupil Portal

27th May 2020

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Nurturing Programme Course: Talking Teens

31st January 2018

…the groups provide a positive view of teenage development and focus on relationships within the family, communication, negotiating, decision-making and strategies to reduce conflict. The programme consists of four sessions…

The School Day

14th May 2020

Extended Day Provision – Morning Care 7.00am Early Morning Care begins for Years 1 – 8 7.30am Early Morning Care begins for Early Years 7.30am Breakfast @38 opens at Alleyn…

Pre-Prep Eco Club Bird Feeding

10th January 2018

…the most common birds, researched what they like to eat and got their hands truly sticky mixing fat with energy-rich seeds to help them through the cold spell ahead. We…


14th May 2020

Pupils are required to wear school uniform in all year groups. For our youngest pupils (Nursery and Reception), this consists of a t-shirt, sweatshirt, jogging bottoms and shorts with a…

Contact Us

14th May 2020

…click here. In the event of a genuine ‘Out of Hours Emergency’ please use the Emergency Contact Form General Contact Name * First Last Email * Phone Number Comment or…

‘Use it or lose it’? The Importance of Getting Early Years Teaching ‘Right’.

12th October 2022

…see this provision in some other countries. For example, in Finland, the government spends 1.1% of their GDP on Early Years provision, compared with England’s 0.7% (Sylvester, 2022). Results from…