student in the lab

Category: Uncategorised

Nursery Assemblies

23rd February 2016

The Nursery classes each held their own assembly during the week before half term. Yellow Class excitedly bounced into the Hall with individual t-shirts with their photo on and their assembly was All About Me.. Red Class were next, telling us all about Skeletons and Crazy Scientists -there was a lot of backcombing and amazing artwork involved! …

Every Boy's Perfect Day – Chocolate Day

12th February 2016

Year 4’s Chocolate Day extravaganza was a great way to celebrate the half way point of our Chocolate investigation for Topic. In groups, we learned about Mayan culture and the history of chocolate. Students were kings, peasants, crop owners or slaves, looking at how the people lived in a society very different to our own….

Primary Maths Challenge

9th February 2016

In November, all of our Year 5 and Year 6 boys took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  This nationwide challenge is designed to get pupils involved in interesting and stimulating mathematics, with success in the challenge not dependent on mathematical knowledge alone, but also on the ability to think things through, be logical and find…

Hob Nob vs Rich Tea

9th February 2016

This week Mrs Savill and Mrs Whitehead demonstrated the concept of academic resilience through a quirky medium: biscuits! The boys were asked to think about challenges they may face with their learning and how to respond with resilience. By showing the boys a Rich Tea biscuit dunked in hot tea, versus a Hob Nob, we…

Year One receive a letter from the Queen!

9th February 2016

This week the boys excitedly retrieved a letter from reception upon which there was a rather famous postmark. Last term the boys in Year 1 wrote to Her Majesty to ask her questions about her residences, as part of their Castles topic. Her Majesty the Queen (in fact her Lady-in-Waiting) had indeed replied to their…

Chinese New Year at the Early Years

9th February 2016

In the Early Years, we were treated to a wonderful assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year, the Year of the Monkey. Most children had already been busy drawing or making models of monkeys at home for the spring challenge.  We had an incredible display of monkey photos, pictures and models. In our Friday Assembly the…

South African Exchange Trip

9th February 2016

The 2016 Rondebosch Exchange boys have landed and hit the ground running.  Their very generous hosts have made them all feel extremely welcome and the boys have been treated exceptionally well. Surf lessons, Monkey World, cheetah outreach and swimming in the president of South Africa’s pool have been just some of the highlights so far….

Pro Corda Chamber Music Festival

9th February 2016

On Sunday 7th February our school hosted one of the Preliminary rounds of the ProCorda Chamber Music Festival for Schools. Four of our chamber groups took part: the Year 6 Violin Quartet, the Year 6 Cello quartet, the Year 7/6 String Quartet and the Year 7 String Quartet. All groups played with real confidence and flair,…

Shrove Tuesday

9th February 2016

The delicious smell of pancakes filled the air in the Pre-Prep on Shrove Tuesday as Mrs Whitehead made pancakes with over 150 boys. She was extremely impressed with their egg breaking and whisking skills. They had obviously done this before! They really celebrated Shrove Tuesday in style and the boys loved dashing up and down…

Chess Players through to Semi-Final!

9th February 2016

Saturday 6th February saw many of our talented chess players taking part in the zonal stage of the English Primary Schools’ Championship. The U9 section was won by the Prep ‘A’ team with 19 pts from 25. The ‘B’ team came in second place and the ‘E’ team – which was comprised of all year…