students and the teacher

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U13 and U11 Football comes to a close

10th October 2017

…mention goes to the players of the tournament, Hamish for his outstanding saves in the tournament at real crucial moments and Hugo for his constant work rate supporting his team…

Year 8 Surfing Trip

20th June 2018

…deliver a week’s surf lessons to our boys. We have a real variety of abilities among our boys but each and every boy was truly riding waves by the time…

Technicoloured production of Joseph

18th May 2016

…with heartfelt ballads, and presents us with a captivating character at its centre: Joseph. Played by Lewis and Gregor on alternating nights throughout the week, the boys brought real strength…

High Flying Skiers

22nd March 2017

…the Bronze medal. Improving their skiing was great for the boys but the real ‘experience’ was being part of this highly professional event and getting a chance to compete at…

Year 1 at Rochester Castle

12th November 2019

…own coat of arms. At the Guildhall museum the boys were given the opportunity to shoot mini catapults, dress up as Norman knights and hold a real life sword. All…

ProCorda Concert

13th March 2019

…Harley Street. The Trio, comprising of Wilf P, Yanic N and Sacha S, played their Adam Carse ‘Menuet’ very musically and with real flair. They had previously won through both…

Tribe Cross Country

17th January 2020

…by the pace or distance of their run. It would not be cross country without some rain and mud to really push the resilience of the Prep boys but they…

Our Spring Term Head Boy, James

18th March 2021

…I display on a shelf in my bedroom. I have even built some of the models myself! What have been your favourite memories of school? I really enjoyed my time…

Year 3 pupil wins Old Vic's Eco Competition

14th November 2017

…Old Vic Theatre was incredible! I especially liked the way the puppets moved and how the actors made you believe they were real. Afterwards, I even got to meet the…

Putting values at the forefront of boys’ education

14th May 2020

…of possibility in the mind, heart and spirit of each boy and create the right culture and the right conditions to allow these possibilities to flourish and become real. Our…